A beginner's guide to pendulums

Are you curious about pendulums and how they can enhance your spiritual practice but unsure where to begin? Whether you've seen them used for divination, energy work, or as intriguing tools, starting with pendulums can feel odd. You may wonder how they work, what to expect, or how to choose the right one. This beginner's guide to pendulums is here to answer your questions, demystify the process, and help you confidently incorporate this powerful tool into your spiritual journey. Let's explore the basics together.
What is a pendulum?
A pendulum is a simple device consisting of a weight attached to a string, chain, or rod.
When suspended from a fixed point, the weight can swing freely back and forth or in circular motions because of the force of gravity.
Using a Pendulum in Science and Engineering
Pendulums have historically been used in clocks because their regular swinging motion can accurately measure time intervals.
Pendulums are versatile tools in physics. They are used to explore fundamental principles such as motion, energy conservation, and gravity and to demonstrate more complex phenomena like the Earth's rotation and resonance.
Using a Pendulum in Spiritual Practices
In many spiritual practices, a pendulum is used as a divination tool. People believe that the pendulum's movements can provide answers to questions.
Energy Healing
Some practitioners use pendulums to detect and clear energy blockages in the body, often in conjunction with practices like Reiki or chakra balancing.
Pendulums can be used in dowsing, the practice of searching for hidden things, such as water, minerals, or lost objects.
How it Works in Spiritual Practices
When the user asks questions or focuses on specific intentions, the pendulum's movements are interpreted as responses:
- Back-and-Forth Movement: Often interpreted as a "yes" or positive response.
- Side-to-Side Movement: This can be seen as a "no" or negative response.
- Circular Movement: This might indicate uncertainty or that more information is needed.
The idea behind using a pendulum in spiritual practices is that the subconscious mind (your intuition) triggers the micro-movements that influence the pendulum's motion, providing answers or insights that may not be accessible otherwise.
What to do as you get your first pendulum
Before using your pendulum, it's recommended to cleanse it of any residual energy it may have absorbed. You can cleanse your pendulum by:
- Smudging: Pass it through sage, Palo Santo, or other incense smoke.
- Moonlight: Place it under the full moon's light to recharge its energy.
- Crystals: Place it on or near a selenite slab or clear quartz crystal for purification.
Fostering an energetic connection
Once cleansed, spend some time connecting with your pendulum. Hold it in your hand, meditate with it, and set your intentions. This process strengthens your bond with the pendulum, making it a more effective tool for your spiritual work.
Each of our Palo Santo pendulums comes with an activation ritual that guides you to connect your Chi life energy with the pendulum's energy.
If you're ready for your first pendulum, explore our collection of pendulums carved from aged Palo Santo wood sustainably harvested in Peru in 1989.